Sunday, 3 May 2009

Week 6

Assigned Tasks
  1. Adding lights in to the game world
  2. Moving the game map from Tutorial.Base to starter.fps
  3. placing additional placeholders and models from artists

Task 1 :
I was expecting the task finish soon since I was already working on lighting. but that didint go as I planned. too much lighting in terrain give me performance problems. Tried to improve the performance by changing all the light to static type. however, static lights failed on me too when I saw the weird lighting effects. snapshot below displays this problem.

Reducing the rendering distance wasn't an option since Designers wanted to view all the level at the beginning. Mike suggested to divide the terrain to two parts. A city in distance; showing everything in the level and a city level which shows only the city.

I took some of his idea and add third separate level. The reason for the third level was making sure that when we placed the objects and light the fortress area, we would minimize the performance issue. I talked about the approach with designers and everyone was happy.

Dividing the level also bring the issue of teleporting from one level to another. Thankfully I found a good tutorial for that. By the end of the week, I had static lights as well as dynamic lights and teleportation triggers in the game world.

Task 2 :
This was assigned on thursday's meeting with programmers. Since all of the team members using starter.fps as demo, I had to move the works that I have done to starter.fps

Task 3:
Thanks to the lighting issues, I couldnt work on this much. It wasn't a big deal since there weren't many models to put in to the engine.

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